90 Days to Better: Teach Your Clients this 3rd Money Concept

Teach Your Clients this 3rd Money Concept

As Mortgage Advisors, we can no longer simply put people into debt. Instead, let’s all get better at teaching them how to make better borrowing and repayment decisions over their lifetime of owning real estate! The third, and most exciting, concept that we teach our clients is Rate of Return. Have you ever asked a borrower what the rate of return on their down payment will be? Many struggle to differentiate between the return on their house, the cost of their mortgage, and their down payment or home equity. Every family wants to save money and optimize their investments, but most don’t realize YOU, as a trusted Mortgage Advisor, can yelp with this. #JoinTheCause #90DaysToBetter #TheBorrowSmartTeam #NEOHomeLoans #ChangingTheIndustry


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