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Top 10 Lessons I Learned in October 2017


Well…it happened.  My year-long goal to hit “pause” and reflect on all that I’ve learned each month didn’t happen!  So I’m catching up now because I DID learn a ton in October.  I only failed to summarize it in a blog to share.  And I dedicate much of my learning for October to my long-time mentor, Todd Duncan.  My team and I spent a week in San Diego with Todd for his amazing annual conference and I could barely sleep thinking about all that I learned. So here we go with my Top 10 (of many more!) for October 2017.

And once again, I hope one or more these lessons can help you in some way move forward, either professionally or    personally.  That’s why I share them.

  1. The only progress you achieve is the progress you measure.
  2. Opportunity knocks at no door.  She will answer only when I knock.  I will knock often and loud! (Og Mandino)
  3. You can’t be anything you want to be…but you CAN be a lot more of who you already are. (Todd Duncan)
  4. Hard work pays.  Hard work you’re good at pays more.  Hard work you’re good at and you love…pays the most. (Todd Duncan)
  5. Always be sure to manage activities, not just results.  Results are a lagging indicator, and too late to correct.
  6. How would the person you see yourself being in the future…handle today?  (a powerful question that I continue to think often about.)
  7. The best experience anywhere is now expected everywhere! (Todd Duncan – meaning, we must all step up our game as service providers!) 
  8. Make your energy, vibe, and attitude your #1 job. (Jonathan Roche)
  9. View your LIFE and your HEALTH as GIFTS! (Jonathan Roche)
  10. How will what I’m doing help my clients SURVIVE or THRIVE?  (A filter for all of my ideas for business now going forward!)

Thank you for reading and following!  Keep learning.  Keep growing.  It is what we are designed to do as humans.  And PLEASE SHARE this with others to give value and help THEM grow.

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