Top 10 Lessons I Learned in July 2017


What a year of learning, growing, and implementing!  Every month this year, I have been journaling the greatest insights and reminders I learn each day.  Here are the Top 10 lessons I learned in July 2017.  Let me know which ones resonate with you the most in the comments below.  *Special thanks to Todd Duncan, who I had the joy of spending a week with in Mexico in July…so much wisdom shared.

I hope one or more can help you in some way move forward.

  1. How you handle even minor adversity reveals a ton about you.  (This has been a biggie for helping me in helping to manage people UP or OUT lately.)
  2. Practice being more interested in what the other person has to say than making sure you are heard.  (Kind of goes with the mantra…we have one mouth and two ears.)
  3. We get more accomplished when focusing on fewer things.  (Amen!)
  4. Leadership doesn’t happen in a day; it happens daily. – Todd Duncan
  5. Connect first, convert second. – Todd Duncan (I’ve been really making a shift in this.)
  6. Stop doing what you don’t want more of! – Todd Duncan (Let this sink in a bit…packs a punch!)
  7. It’s easy to lose touch with the human side of our business.  (A powerful line from the book, The Connector’s Way by Patrick Galvin)
  8. Don’t expect anything from others until you’ve first created value for others.  (I live by this.)
  9. The power of completely unplugging from all work-related activities and thinking cannot be over-stated.  (Vacations and time with family are just not the same when still “connected” a little.)
  10. If I can accomplish just three important things each day at work, 15 per week, I will accomplish more than most. (A new focus I’m working on to improve what I say YES to and what I say NO to…and not feeling like my to-do list is cluttered with the un-important.)

Keep learning.  Keep growing.  It is what we are designed to do as humans.  And please share this with others to give value and help THEM grow.


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